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  • 温柔生产工作坊  Gentle Birth Bootcamp

温柔生产工作坊 Gentle Birth Bootcamp

- 如何避免生产的创伤
- 如何提高成功哺乳的机率
- 催眠生产-如何达到平静和舒适的生产
- 生产姿势
- 生产陪伴者应如何支持妈咪
- 应付宫缩的方法
- 分娩/生产故事分享- 真实情况!

- 第一次的准妈妈
- 曾经剖腹产的妈妈
- 已有生产经验的妈妈,想要更好的生产体验
- 剖腹产后想要自然产
- 想要知道如何支持妻子的爸爸

免费!!!丰富的精美礼袋 !!!
免费!!!幸运抽奖 !!!

Are you going to be first time parents?

Planning to start having a family OR for No. 2, 3..
And probably you had a traumatic birth experience or heard of a horror birth story but want a better birth experience?
Mums who are scared of labor pain or cut in vagina?
Want a vaginal birth after a previous cesarean (VBAC)?
Husband who is not sure how to support your wife during labor?
The Gentle Birth Bootcamp is all about EDUCATION!
Educate yourself about your birth options, 
Educate yourself how to support your wife (for dads),
Educate yourself on how to achieve a better birth experience..

Speaker: AOL TEAM
Class Location: KQ 自然疗法中心
Required Level: 1

温柔生产工作坊 Gentle Birth Bootcamp

  • Speaker: AOL TEAM
  • Class Location: KQ 自然疗法中心
  • Required Level: 1
  • Public Price:


  • Member Price:


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